
Principal Message

The sole aim of education is to bring out the best in the mind and heart of a child. Each child is endowed with a special talent which needs to be explored, in a very caring environment. The primary years of a child are highly crucial and decisive as during this period only the foundation of a child’s future is laid. The school is committed to providing a safe conducive and stimulating ambiance where the young minds can enjoy their learning experiences, self-direct effective practice, and prepare for the ultimate exam called “LIFE”. To give wings to their dreams and roots to hold steadfast to their aspiration, the school will try to equip students with modern knowledge with feet firmly embedded in values. School wishes to inculcate in every student the respect of human dignity

Successful Institutions don’t just happen. They are effectively created by all those who work with them and are committed to making them successful. In the past four years, Vidyantar International  School has grown not only in strength and size but also in the level of excellence. It is noteworthy that the school has received affiliation from CBSE New Delhi. This was only possible due to the dedication of the management and highly qualified experienced Teachers and other staff members, who have been working with great zeal to transform a dream into reality. We do believe that we have just started our journey and aspire to cover many more milestones on the path. Vidyantar International  School,Azamgarh  is determined to reach the unprecedented heights of excellence.

At Vidyantar International  School,Azamgarh  we have created a beautiful world for our children made up of smiles, laughter and tears, achievements and efforts, errors and correction, teamwork and friendship and most importantly learning for knowledge and learning for life. Our children grow in the harmonious atmosphere of the school which not only educates them with concepts of subjects but also problem-solving skills.


Dr. Parveen Taunk